Get the most out of Autoinvest by setting a standing order

Why set up a standing order now?

Setting up a standing order when investing is the key to long-term financial growth. Regular investments allow you to effectively take advantage of compound interest, where the returns on reinvested funds increase over time. With a standing order, you invest automatically and regularly, even when you're not actively involved in investing.

Česká Spořitelna

Log in to Online Banking or the George app, click on your account, then "Functions", and select "Standing & Sweep orders". Click on "Create standing order".

To set up a standing order, simply enter the following details:

  1. Investown account number and bank code: 88877762/0800
  2. The amount that is supposed to be sent from your account regularly
  3. First payment date
  4. Frequency of recurring payment (weekly, monthly, quarterly)
  5. Your variable symbol that can be found in your Investown account in Transactions
  6. A note to the recipient: Vklad Investown

You must have sufficient funds in your account for the standing order payment to go through. For example, if you are paid by the 10th of the month, you can schedule standing orders from the 10th onwards.


Log in to the app, click on "Payment", and select "Standing order".

To set up a standing order, simply enter the following details:

  1. Investown account number and bank code: 88877762/0800
  2. The amount that is supposed to be sent from your account regularly
  3. First payment date
  4. Frequency of recurring payment (weekly, monthly, quarterly)
  5. Your variable symbol that can be found in your Investown account in Transactions
  6. A note to the recipient: Vklad Investown

Check the details and confirm the payment with the Smart Key. After successful authorisation, a confirmation will appear on the screen that your request to send payment has been accepted.


Log in to Mobile Bank and select the account where you want to set up the standing order. Then select "Standing orders" at the top of the screen. The form is easy to fill out, and it will take just a few minutes to set up your standing order.

To set up a new standing order, select "New Standing Order".

To set up a standing order, simply enter the following details:

  1. Investown account number and bank code: 88877762/0800
  2. The amount that is supposed to be sent from your account regularly
  3. First payment date
  4. Frequency of recurring payment (weekly, monthly, quarterly)
  5. Your variable symbol that can be found in your Investown account in Transactions
  6. A note to the recipient: Vklad Investown

Once completed, click "Continue". Then, confirm on the authorisation screen the information you entered as you are used to (KB Key or other method) and your standing order is set.

Banka Moneta

In your account details, select "Standing orders" in the "More..." menu.

To set up a standing order, simply enter the following details:

  1. Investown account number and bank code: 88877762/0800
  2. The amount that is supposed to be sent from your account regularly
  3. First payment date
  4. Frequency of recurring payment (weekly, monthly, quarterly)
  5. Your variable symbol that can be found in your Investown account in Transactions
  6. A note to the recipient: Vklad Investown

You must have sufficient funds in your account for the standing order payment to go through. 

Air Bank

On the standing order list, found via Menu / Payments & Cards / Regular Payments / Standing Orders, tap the green New Standing Order button on the bottom right.

To set up a standing order, simply enter the following details:

  1. Investown account number and bank code: 88877762/0800
  2. The amount that is supposed to be sent from your account regularly
  3. First payment date
  4. Frequency of recurring payment (weekly, monthly, quarterly)
  5. Your variable symbol that can be found in your Investown account in Transactions
  6. A note to the recipient: Vklad Investown

Other Bank

Most banks allow you to set up standing orders both through their online banking and mobile app.

Select "Payments" or "Standing orders" from the menu and click "Enter new standing order".

To set up a standing order, simply enter the following details:

  1. Investown account number and bank code: 88877762/0800
  2. The amount that is supposed to be sent from your account regularly
  3. First payment date
  4. Frequency of recurring payment (weekly, monthly, quarterly)
  5. Your variable symbol that can be found in your Investown account in Transactions
  6. A note to the recipient: Vklad Investown

Confirm the standing order – you will often need to verify the entry using an SMS code or other authorisation method.