Historical returns of our investors
See how investments in real estate-backed loans have performed on Investown in the past. We've prepared a summary of historical returns and comparisons to other assets.

Profitability opportunities on Investown
The yield on investment opportunities continues to rise. At this moment you can choose from projects with an appreciation of up to 9% p.a.
Steady growth with monthly profits
Since Investown's inception, the value for our investors has been steadily increasing, despite the challenging economic climate.

How Investown performs compared to other asset classes in 2022
Updated 1.10. 2022
Choose from proven real estate projects
Take a look at the individual investment opportunities. All published projects have undergone careful risk analysis and vetting by our experienced team of experts.

Novinky pro investory
How to invest during high inflation?
The current inflation and the looming economic recession are adversely affecting the attractiveness and performance of the assets in which investors invest their funds.
Learn how to secure opportunities at Investown
The safety of our investors and minimising the risks of investing are our top priority. In order to protect our investors' money, we provide bank-level investment security. All while maintaining above-average returns.
Frequently Asked Questions by Investors
News in Investown raises more and more questions, that's why we decided to write down the most frequent ones so that you don't miss anything and you always have an overview.
Investown investment platform gains a head start, standard profits climb above 8%
Investown is changing for the better from July, providing investors with a choice from a larger range of marketable properties, including commercial ones, and standard profits from 8%.
Let Investown work for you
No regular fees, no unnecessary paperwork. We only care about your extra return.