Rezidence Hlubočepy 3 – 3rd stage
The Hlubočepy project offers original urban living in an apartment building with three spacious apartment units in a quiet and sought-after location of Prague 5, which is a 10-minute drive from the city center.

About the project
🟢 Current state of construction The overall completion rate is 84.51 %. The work is being carried out to good quality per the original project documentation. According to the construction manager, no changes are planned in the layout or structures. At the time of the on-site investigation, construction works had been carried out in the following scope: all load-bearing structures, roof cladding including sheathing and insulation, sewerage and water distribution systems including connections, under-wall toilet parts, window opening fillings. In addition, floor heating circuits, including accumulation and spreading layers of floors, were made. The electrical wiring was done, and switchboards and local boxes were built. Furthermore, interior plastering, exterior HVAC ductwork, air conditioning and central vacuum system ductwork, hot water sources, and boilers were installed. The suspended ceilings were installed on the 1st floor level and part 3. NP. In the following period, the suspended ceiling grids will be completed, followed by flooring, tiles, and cladding. Subsequently, the interiors will be completed to the extent of fittings and door openings.
The general contractor of the construction is the company LAKOMIRAVA s.r.o., which in 2022 was ranked in the exclusive ranking of the most successful companies CZECH TOP 100.
The Hlubočepy project offers original urban living in an apartment building with three spacious apartment units in a quiet and sought-after location of Prague 5, which is a 10-minute drive from the city center. The project is situated overlooking the Prokopské Valley and Kavčí hory.
Further information about the project can be found on the official website.
Security of payment
The loan in the total amount of CZK 61,600,000 is secured by real estate worth CZK 76,050,000 (LTV 81%). At this stage, we are collecting CZK 3 655 000
- Lien on the property: Lien 1 900/1, 900/2, which includes a set of 4 dismantled units in the building, k. ú. Hlubočepy, registered on LV 12443 (units), 11247 (land with the building) in k. ú. Hlubočepy, municipality of Prague, district capital city. Prague. Lien 2 Residential unit - apartment, unit number 735/89 in building no. p. 735 on land p. no. 1160/93 including co-ownership share 400/274635 in the common parts of the building including land p. no. 1160/93 and accessories in the district of Hlubokapety, Czech Republic. Troja. LV 6530, 1300. Lien 3 Residential unit - apartment, unit number 735/47 in building no. p. 735 on land plot p. no. 1160/93 including co-ownership share 509/274635 in the common parts of the house including land plot p. no. 1160/93 and accessories in the district of Troja. Troja. LV 6530, 1300.
- Lien on the business share: VivoFox s.r.o., ID No.: 10831134
- Personal guarantee: JIŘÍ NOVÁK, born on 30 August 1983
- Notarial deed with a clause of direct enforceability.
Project financing
After successful project financing, the partner has 24 months to repay the loan's principal.
The partner will finance the project from the sale of the property.
Information on the partner's options for early repayment of the loan is provided in Part D, bullet point (d) of the Key Investor Information Sheet (KIIS).
Information regarding the risk score of the project can be found in the Risk Scoring Table.
Frequently Asked Questions
You will be paid the first profit one month after the amount you have collected has been sent to the project partner, and every month thereafter for the duration of the investment, always on the same day.
Yes, the interest rate is fixed, i.e. unchanging. We believe that the stability of the portfolio will bring more certainty to investors.
Yes, the investment is secured by the property on which the lien is attached. Should any problem arise, the mortgage on the property will be used, the property will be sold and our investors will be paid.
It may happen that your partner stops repaying his/her loan. At this point, we initiate recovery proceedings and demand payment of all debts. In the worst case scenario, the property on which the lien is placed may be sold and we will pay our investors a pro rata share based on how much they have invested.
Your investment contributes to the amount you want. Once the amount is collected and the cooling-off period has elapsed, we sign the pledge agreements and send the amount to the partner, who then implements the project and makes monthly interest payments. Should the required amount not be collected, we return the full amount of your investment back to Investown's wallet.
Once the full amount required is collected and the cooling-off period has expired, we sign the pledge agreements and send the amount to the partner, who then implements the project and makes monthly interest payments.
In case you need to end your investment early, you can offer it to other users on the Marketplace. Any verified user can buy it from you.
At the end of the investment period, all the money you invested will be returned to your Investown wallet, where you can either withdraw it to your bank account or reinvest it in a new project.