Rezidence Jateční - 1st tranche (S2)
The partner aims to build the Rezidence Jateční project in the very centre of Přerov.
About the project
As a result, six large designer flats of 3 + kk to 4 + kk layout will be constructed. Each apartment unit will have large windows, high ceilings, and a size of over 90 m². The house will be completely renovated. The plan is to replace the windows, insulate the building, and build a new facade.
The interior design of the apartments will also be of a high standard. The finishes include high-standard materials, large-format tiles, modern bathroom equipment, wooden floors, and eco-friendly, cost-saving heating panels from FOUCZECH.
Přerov has huge potential. Development projects are being built there, attracting new residents to the town. Two apartments are already in the sales phase.
The funds will be used to complete the two loft apartments (which are 26% complete) and to purchase a property in the group.
The partner has already successfully financed his Byty Třebízského project with us.
You can learn more about the project on the website Rezidence Jateční
- Location: Přerov
- Partner: NRE nemovitosti s.r.o.
- Financing: from the sale of the property securing the loan or by refinancing from a bank loan
- LTV: 68,93 %
- Security: The loan for the first tranche of CZK 19,521,500 is secured by a property worth CZK 28,320,000 (LTV 68.93%). At this stage of the first tranche, we are collecting CZK 5 076 000
Security of payment
- Lien on real estate: Set of residential and non-residential units - other non-residential units No. 2177/1, 2177/2, 2177/3, residential units 2177/4, 2177/6, k. ú. Přerov. Registered on LV: 5088 (apartment house with land), 20546 (units), in k. ú. Přerov, municipality Přerov, district Přerov. Unit No. 2177/8 (dismantled unit) and unit No. 2177/9 (dismantled unit) in house No. p. 2177 (family house) on land parc. no. 196, including a share in the common parts of the property of the size of 1184/8467, registered on LV 20546, k. ú. Přerov.
- Lien on the business share: NRE nemovitosti s.r.o., ID No.: 19405600
- Personal guarantee: DANIEL NEVRKLA, date of birth 12 May 1988
- Notarial deed with direct enforceability clause.
Financing of the project
After successful project financing, the partner has 36 months to repay the loan's principal.
For information on the Partner's options for early repayment of the loan, please refer to Section D, bullet (d) of the Key Investor Information Sheet (KIIS).
Information regarding the risk score of the project can be found in the Risk Scoring Table.
NRE nemovitosti s.r.o.
Identifier: 19405600
Address: Jateční 2177/5, Přerov, 750 02 , CZ
Register: NRE nemovitosti s.r.o., is registered in the Commercial Register under file number C 92802/KSOS, Regional Court in Ostrava.
More information about the partner:
The project is executed by NRE nemovitosti s.r.o. The partner's company gives new life to old houses: they reconstruct them so that the new flats correspond to the modern trends and at the same time meet the standards that people are used to. According to the partner, the key to success is executing projects as if he were doing them himself. It is what Daniel Nevrkla, the company's managing director, is focusing on. All references can be found on the partner's website
Frequently Asked Questions
You will be paid the first profit one month after the amount you have collected has been sent to the project partner, and every month thereafter for the duration of the investment, always on the same day.
Yes, the interest rate is fixed, i.e. unchanging. We believe that the stability of the portfolio will bring more certainty to investors.
Yes, the investment is secured by the property on which the lien is attached. Should any problem arise, the mortgage on the property will be used, the property will be sold and our investors will be paid.
It may happen that your partner stops repaying his/her loan. At this point, we initiate recovery proceedings and demand payment of all debts. In the worst case scenario, the property on which the lien is placed may be sold and we will pay our investors a pro rata share based on how much they have invested.
Your investment contributes to the amount you want. Once the amount is collected and the cooling-off period has elapsed, we sign the pledge agreements and send the amount to the partner, who then implements the project and makes monthly interest payments. Should the required amount not be collected, we return the full amount of your investment back to Investown's wallet.
Once the full amount required is collected and the cooling-off period has expired, we sign the pledge agreements and send the amount to the partner, who then implements the project and makes monthly interest payments.
In case you need to end your investment early, you can offer it to other users on the Marketplace. Any verified user can buy it from you.
At the end of the investment period, all the money you invested will be returned to your Investown wallet, where you can either withdraw it to your bank account or reinvest it in a new project.